Miscellaneous Maths Functions in PHP

Author — Nitish Kumar

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PHP deg2rad() Function

PHP deg2rad() Usage

The PHP deg2rad() function will converts the number in degrees to the radian equivalent .

PHP deg2rad() Syntax

 deg2rad ( float $number ) : float

PHP deg2rad() Parameters

  1. number — Angular value in degrees

PHP deg2rad() Return Value

The PHP deg2rad() function returns the radian equivalent of number

PHP deg2rad() Working Examples

1. deg2rad() example

echo deg2rad(45); // 0.785398163397
var_dump(deg2rad(45) === M_PI_4); // bool(true)

PHP hypot() Function

PHP hypot() Usage

The PHP hypot() function will calculate the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angle triangle .

PHP hypot() Syntax

 hypot ( float $x , float $y ) : float

PHP hypot() Parameters

  1. x — Length of first side

  2. y — Length of second side

PHP hypot() Return Value

The PHP hypot() function returns calculated length of the hypotenuse

PHP intdiv() Function

PHP intdiv() Usage

The PHP intdiv() function will give you the integer quotient of the division of dividend by divisor.

PHP intdiv() Syntax

 intdiv ( int $dividend , int $divisor ) : int

PHP intdiv() Parameters

  1. dividend — Number to be divided.

  2. divisor — Number which divides the dividend.

PHP intdiv() Return Value

The PHP intdiv() function returns the integer quotient of the division of dividend by divisor.

PHP intdiv() Working Examples

1. intdiv() example

var_dump(intdiv(3, 2));
var_dump(intdiv(-3, 2));
var_dump(intdiv(3, -2));
var_dump(intdiv(-3, -2));
var_dump(intdiv(PHP_INT_MAX, PHP_INT_MAX));
var_dump(intdiv(PHP_INT_MIN, PHP_INT_MIN));
var_dump(intdiv(PHP_INT_MIN, -1));
var_dump(intdiv(1, 0));

Output of the above code:

Fatal error: Uncaught ArithmeticError: Division of PHP_INT_MIN by -1 is not an integer in %s on line 8
Fatal error: Uncaught DivisionByZeroError: Division by zero in %s on line 9

Additional Tips from Fellow Developers

Contributed By: AmeenRoss

This does indeed seem to be equal to intdiv:

<?php function intdiv_1($a, $b){ return ($a - $a % $b) / $b; } ?>
However, this isn't:
<?php function intdiv_2($a, $b){ return floor($a / $b); } ?>
Consider an example where either of the parameters is negative:
<?php $param1 = -10; $param2 = 3; print_r([ 'modulus' => intdiv_1($param1, $param2), 'floor' => intdiv_2($param1, $param2), ]); /** * Array * ( * [modulus] => -3 * [floor] => -4 * ) */ ?>

PHP lcg_value() Function

PHP lcg_value() Usage

The PHP lcg_value() function will give you a pseudo random number in the range of (0, 1). The function combines two CGs with periods of 2^31 - 85 and 2^31 - 249. The period of this function is equal to the product of both primes.

PHP lcg_value() Syntax

 lcg_value ( void ) : float

PHP lcg_value() Parameters

    This function does not accept any parameters.

    PHP lcg_value() Return Value

    The PHP lcg_value() function returns a pseudo random float value between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive.

    Important Points about PHP lcg_value() Function

    1. This function does not generate cryptographically secure values, and should not be used for cryptographic purposes. If you need a cryptographically secure value, consider using random_int(), random_bytes(), or openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() instead.

    Additional Tips from Fellow Developers

    Contributed By: rok kralj gmail com

    An elegant way to return random float between two numbers:
    <?php function random_float ($min,$max) { return ($min+lcg_value()*(abs($max-$min))); } ?>

    Contributed By: daniel dot baulig

    Choose your weapon:
    <?php function mt_randf($min, $max) { return $min + abs($max - $min) * mt_rand(0, mt_getrandmax())/mt_getrandmax(); } function lcg_randf($min, $max) { return $min + lcg_value() * abs($max - $min); } function randf($min, $max) { return $min + rand(0,getrandmax()) / getrandmax() * abs($max - $min); }?>

    PHP pi() Function

    PHP pi() Usage

    The PHP pi() function will give you an approximation of pi. Also, you can use the M_PI constant which yields identical results to pi().

    PHP pi() Syntax

     pi ( void ) : float

    PHP pi() Parameters

      This function does not accept any parameters.

      PHP pi() Return Value

      The PHP pi() function returns the value of pi as float.

      PHP pi() Working Examples

      1. pi() example

      echo pi(); // 3.1415926535898
      echo M_PI; // 3.1415926535898

      PHP rad2deg() Function

      PHP rad2deg() Usage

      The PHP rad2deg() function will converts the radian number to the equivalent number in degrees .

      PHP rad2deg() Syntax

       rad2deg ( float $number ) : float

      PHP rad2deg() Parameters

      1. number — A radian value

      PHP rad2deg() Return Value

      The PHP rad2deg() function returns the equivalent of number in degrees

      PHP rad2deg() Working Examples

      1. rad2deg() example

      echo rad2deg(M_PI_4); // 45

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